From: dsimon <> Date: Mon, 05 Feb 96 22:51:00 -800 To: Subject: Cuba Caravans Emergency Response Web Site Hi, William, My name is Dana Simon, and I live in Oakland. I've just returned from San Diego where I took part in the Pastors for Peace/InfoMed attempted boarder crossing into Mexico, during which the U.S. government seized some 300 computers which we were bringing to Cuba. "Emergency response network" organizing has begun, and in the last 48 hours, I've created a Web site devoted specifically to that work. In searching for related web sites that I could create links to within mine, I found yours, and I REALLY like it -- particularly your essay on the embargo. In any event, I've included some links to it from my site (which will appear tomorrow when I upload the most recent round of updates onto my server in the morning). I wanted you to know where to find the site: Please spread the word. Thanks again for your great site -- I really like it. In Solidarity Dana Simon