I’ve been asked how the dinner party went — well, it was with the friends we decided to share a house with, so I guess you can say it went very well. It must have been the yummy pumpkin cookies that Cindy made for dessert. Jacob is originally Canadian, and one of the things he misses is pumpkin ice cream, and although that was a bit too difficult to bring with us, we brought a can of pumpkin to make cookies for him. The funny thing is that pumpkin is common here, but only eaten as a vegetable (like carrots or beans), not as something sweet. So if we are going to make any more pumpkin cookies, we will either have to make them from fresh pumpkin, or find someone to bring us over more cans of pumpkin. They don’t seem to sell canned pumpkin here.
Today we pick up two friends at the airport who are coming to visit. I hope this is a harbinger of the future, and lots of people will come for visits. Like you! We plan on taking off for the south island with them for some traveling while summer is still going strong here.
If you guys need a care package, let me know! I’d be more than happy to package up some stuff andsend it to you.
I wish I could have seen you before you left, but I’ve been on the road constantly, and it looks like for the next
month, I’m going to be traveling still. Considering a different job at the moment… the economy must be picking
up because I’ve been contacted by a bunch of recruiters lately. FINALLY!
Comment by Cat — 24 Jan 2005 @ 7:05 am