Arrrrgh! I just spent several hours deleting spam. Not your typical annoying email spam, but spam comments put into this weblog! I had to go through the entire blog and carefully weed them out, leaving the real comments. I changed the options on the blog to try to make it more difficult, but if the problem persists I will probably turn off the ability to leave comments while we are traveling, and then fix the problem when we get home. In addition to the spam comment, each comment triggered an email to me, so I had over 100 emails telling me about all the nonsense messages with embedded links to buy various drugs. Sigh.
I’m reconsidering my opposition to the death penalty, but only for convicted spammers.
The next day it happened again, but I had turned on moderation so the spam comments did not show up in the blog, and all I had to do was deny the more than 100 comments. Unlike the first day when they were all about cheap drugs, the next day they were all about online poker. Weird.
So you can still make comments on this blog, but they won’t appear until I get around to approving them manually (like the comment on this entry, which I just approved).
Dear Wm and Cindy,
Have enjoyed your trip journal very much. Thanks for putting so much time into writing and photos, etc. Take care, talk to you later, Lisa
Comment by lisa martinengo — 24 Apr 2005 @ 1:34 am
Having recieved a lot of spam on my blog, I installed the WordPress Spam Karma plugin. It seems to do a wonderful job of getting rid of blog spam, and doesn’t seem to require any hand-holding once installed.
donald (idly wondering if this blog will change title to “Wm & Cindy in the USA” now)
Comment by Donald — 28 Apr 2005 @ 9:24 am
As you will learn if you continue reading this blog, I finally installed Spam Karma, and it works just as well as Donald says.
Comment by wm — 21 Aug 2005 @ 9:07 am