On a Whim Wm's world travels

30 Jan 2005

Internet Phone

Filed under: General,New Zealand — wm @ 8:22 am

So, now that the Vonage phone is working, everyone wants to use it! Cindy got up early (6am on Sunday morning!) so she could call a bunch of people. I called my mom. Yvette is on it now. Both Jacob and Robin (our housemates/landlords/friends) used it last night to call people in the US and Canada (Jacob is originally from Canada).

The reactions from people we call is very funny. The audio quality is excellent, so nobody knows we are calling from New Zealand. Cindy called her friend Darleen, who when her caller ID showed “von ofenheim” assumed it was Cindy’s sister calling. Since Cindy and her sister have similar voices, Cindy had to say it was her. Then Darleen freaked out, asking where she was calling from, and how much was it costing per minute. Everyone is amazed at the fact that our Oregon phone (including its number) is working here in NZ and it doesn’t cost anything per minute. Vonage charges a $25 monthly fee for unlimited calls to the US and Canada, and cheap rates to other countries. Like 7 cents per minute to NZ. And not only can we call people in the US and Canada, but they can call us by dialing a phone number in Oregon. Robin’s sister in in the US has some calling plan where she can call anywhere in the US for free, so she can call Robin here in NZ on the Vonage phone for free. Everyone loves it.

1 Comment »

  1. So, what’s your number?

    Comment by William — 1 Feb 2005 @ 11:25 am

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