On a Whim Wm's world travels

12 Jan 2005

Seasonal Jet Lag

Filed under: General,New Zealand — wm @ 7:04 am

Everyone has experienced jet lag — I don’t think that is what we are experiencing right now. After all, New Zealand is only 3 hours different in time than Oregon, no worse than New York to Oregon (actually it is 3 hours difference only October to April — the other six months it is 5 hours difference due to the fact that daylight savings time is in opposite seasons). What is getting to me more than jet lag is a seasonal change due to the length of the days. When we left Oregon it was the middle of winter and was getting dark around 4 or 5 pm. Here, it is mid-summer, and stays light until almost 9pm. So I have no sense of time. Last night a friend called us to invite us to go hear Irish music. He said he’d pick us up at 8:30 (we have no car yet). I’m thinking that’s hours away, and we have plenty of time to eat dinner (or tea, as they call it here). I was shocked to see that it was already after 7:30, but it felt more like 5pm. The sun was out and I just didn’t feel like it was that late. It wasn’t jet lag, since at 7:30 Wellington time, it was already 10:30pm Portland time. So it would have felt later, not earlier. I don’t know what to call it — season lag? antipode lag? daylight savings lag? light lag?

1 Comment »

  1. That’s wild! I forgot about the change in seasons… What a treat (and difference) that would be right now…. I’m looking outside — it’s 4:20 and dark here… How NICE to be light at 8:30! That must really mess you up…


    Comment by El — 12 Jan 2005 @ 11:29 am

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