On a Whim Wm's world travels

27 Feb 2005

Trash Palace

Filed under: General,New Zealand — wm @ 6:09 pm

We discovered the “Trash Palace” today. We were in a second-hand furniture store, trying to buy a table to use as a desk to put my computer stuff on, and the owner didn’t really have something that would work for us. People are so nice here — first he said he might have some tables that would work for us, and would bring some into the store tomorrow, then he told us we should check out the Trash Palace. We had never heard of this place, even though it is not that far from where we live. It is on the road up to the garbage dump. We drove up to it, and it is a big complex that does recycling/reuse. Yes, we did find a good table, and for only NZ$10. They also recycle computers (including the monitors), furniture, electronics, dishes, you name it. Cindy found some cloth napkins with rings. It is a huge complex, and they also give classes and do other environmental projects. Cindy is in love.

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