On a Whim Wm's world travels

17 Jan 2005


Filed under: General,New Zealand — wm @ 6:45 am

As I mentioned before, in some (but not all) ways, Wellington reminds me of San Francisco. Maybe it is because of the wind. It is rather windy here. This morning in particular, the wind is howling around the house where we are staying up in the hills. It is even more windy down by the waterfront. In between is a bit calmer, but still windy. On Saturday night we went to the Latin Music festival on the waterfront, and as night fell (which happened quite late of course since it is summer here) the temperature dropped quickly. It had been a rather hot day with bright sunshine, but it cools off quickly. Last night (Sunday night, which must seem weird to people in the US who are reading this blog entry on Sunday, but remember that we are in the land of tomorrow on the other side of the date line) we went to a concert in the botanic garden, and as we lay on the grass listening to the music, there were clouds moving by right above us at high speed. It is quite amazing to watch.

Like SF, Wellington is a compact city. We even have a cable car, but only one and it runs up and down the hill in a straight line on tracks (not on the street). There are Victorian houses, although not as many as SF. And like SF, Wellington is built beside a large bay. Last week we drove around the bay to an area that reminded me of Sausalito.

In other ways, Wellington is less like San Francisco. It is far less crowded here of course, and there is way less traffic. And summer days can be quite hot and sunny, unlike SF where there is the famous fog.


  1. Why hasn’t Cindy recorded any blog entries yet?

    Comment by Jennifer — 17 Jan 2005 @ 5:27 pm

  2. Hmmmm… maybe her typing fingers are busy? 🙂 *uh-hem*, I mean cooking for wm, of course!

    🙂 ENJOY! Where’s the glow worms?

    Comment by El — 17 Jan 2005 @ 5:44 pm

  3. I keep trying to get Cindy to post blog entries, but she is shy. Maybe after we settle in. Glow worm entry is just below this one.

    Comment by wm — 17 Jan 2005 @ 9:42 pm

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