On a Whim Wm's world travels

29 Apr 2005

We’re not in Kansas anymore!

Filed under: General — wm @ 12:50 am

We’ve only been in Australia for two full days, but we’ve already uploaded a whole bunch of photos from the Cairns area. You can view them at http://www.leler.com/Oz. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to put captions on them yet. When I get more photos, I’ll probably edit these down a bit as well. But be sure to see the photos of Cindy holding a Koala bear!

I just added new photos, including underwater photos from the Great Barrier Reef.


  1. Wow Wm! Thanks for being my eyes out there in the world. What a nice break from the grind to see these beautiful pictures. I’m in love with that blue snake. And in awe of all the creatures. Peace to you both!

    Comment by Michele — 29 Apr 2005 @ 12:52 pm

  2. Wow, nice animal photos. It was funny to see Wm wearing an “Aotearoa NZ” t-shirt while throwing a boomerang with an Aborigine.

    Don’t even think about moving to Australia – NZ is best!

    Comment by Kirk — 5 May 2005 @ 11:55 am

  3. Absolutely GORGEOUS pictures… Can you smuggle a snuggly koala back to the states for me????

    Comment by El — 6 May 2005 @ 2:54 am

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